Local Company Registries
Trade Registry: Kanton Basel-Land
Trade Registry Number: CHE-101.459.732
VAT Number: CHE-101.459.732 MWST
You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.
Visit our tracking support page to answer any questions you have about your shipment’s whereabouts or changing a delivery.
Visit Tracking SolutionsFrom deciding which shipping service to use for your shipment to creating and printing a label, find out everything you’ll need on our shipping solutions page.
Explore Shipping SolutionsWe can help out when you file a claim. Send us the details of your issue and we’ll do the rest to find the best solution to make things right as quickly as possible.
File a ClaimUse the phone numbers below to access the help centre that best fits your need.
Trade Registry: Kanton Basel-Land
Trade Registry Number: CHE-101.459.732
VAT Number: CHE-101.459.732 MWST