How to Send a Parcel with UPS

Woman packaging a box

New to shipping or need a refresher? Learn how to ship a parcel with UPS from these easy steps.

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Get Your Parcel Ready

First things first—you need to pack your items in a sturdy box. If you don’t have one, you can order supplies online.

Help! I don’t know how to weigh my parcel.

Weigh yourself while holding the parcel, and then weigh yourself alone. Subtract one from the other.

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Create a Shipping Label

It’s easy to make a label online. You can:

Create a Shipment

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Get Your Parcel to UPS

Almost done! You have three options to get your parcel to UPS:

Expand Your Business

Computer and boxes in tile 1

Business Solutions

Whether you’re an online startup or a multinational enterprise company, we can help.

Business Shipping Solutions

International location in tile 2

Learn How To Ship Internationally

Looking to reach new markets? We’ve simplified the process for you.

How To Ship Internationally