How to Ship a Package

Woman packaging a box

New to shipping or need a refresher? Learn how to ship a package with UPS by following these easy steps.

Ship Now

UPS icon step1 teal

Get Your Package Ready

First things first – you need to pack your items in a sturdy box. If you don’t have one, you can order supplies online or buy one at The UPS Store.

Help! I don’t know how to weigh my package.

  • Weigh yourself while holding the package, and then weigh yourself alone. Subtract one from the other.
UPS icon step2 teal

Create a Shipping Label

You could always take your package to The UPS Store, but it’s easy to make a label online, too. You can:

Create a Shipment

Help! I don’t have a printer.

If you don’t have a printer, you can always:

  • Email the label and print it later.
UPS icon step3 teal

We’ll Do the Rest

Almost done! You’ve got three options to get your package to UPS:

Expand Your Business

UPS business customer writing on package

Business Solutions

Whether you’re just getting started or you’re an expert in your field, we can help.

Explore Business Shipping

UPS worker holding package

Learn How To Ship Internationally

Looking to reach new markets? We’ve simplified the process for you.

How to Ship Internationally