How To Ship Plants and Live Animals

Shipping Live Animals – Domestic and International

UPS provides service on a limited basis for packages containing some types of live animals. The term 'animal' as used herein refers to anything living, except plants. While the list of 'Accepted Live Animals' provided herein is an exhaustive list of animals that can be offered for transportation in accordance with the conditions listed, the list of 'Prohibited Live Animals' is only a partial list of animals provided to clarify specific species that are not accepted for transportation and may not be shipped via UPS. Any animal not specifically listed on the 'Accepted Live Animals' list is prohibited by UPS and will not be accepted for transportation. Note: UPS only accepts live animal shipments from shippers who have received approval and entered into a signed UPS agreement for the transportation of live animals. Contact your UPS Account Executive for information about obtaining approval.

Packages containing live animals must be prepared in accordance with the requirements as specifically stated herein. Packages containing live animals must provide for the basic humane care and safety of the animal during transportation. Any package containing a live animal shall be considered a perishable commodity and will be accepted for transportation solely at the shipper´s risk for any damage or loss arising from the perishable nature of the item. UPS shall not be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages.

All shipments of live animals must be clearly marked on opposing sides of the carton in bold block lettering a minimum of 2.5 cm in height stating: LIVE ANIMALS. The term animal may be replaced with the name of the specific live animal contained in the package.

In the event that a package containing a prohibited item is found en route or in the UPS system, that package will be stopped at the location or UPS facility of the discovery. UPS reserves the right to dispose of the package.

*Hawaii – All live animal shipments to Hawaii are subject to inspection by the State of Hawaii Department of Agriculture upon arrival. Service delays may occur due to this inspection. Live animals may only be shipped to the island of Oahu. Importing Turtles/Tortoises into the State of Hawaii requires a permit prior to importation. Please review the information on the this web page for specific requirements. Shipments of live animals to Hawaii may be more restrictive than the limitations listed herein. (Please see the Animal Guidelines page on the State of Hawaii web site for more information.)

Endangered or Threatened Species

In addition to the Prohibited Live Animals list provided here, any live animal or plant that is an Endangered Species is prohibited by UPS and will not be accepted for transportation. Shippers must refer to the most current publicized lists posted on the Canada Environment and Natural Resources website and the US Fish and Wildlife Service website if shipping to the United States.​

Service Requirements

Live animals will only be accepted for transportation when shipped by any UPS service that guarantees delivery the next day. Shipments must not be offered to UPS on Fridays or before a holiday in the origin or destination country.

Design and Construction of the Primary Container

Internal Packaging and Other Considerations

Package Testing

Additional Considerations

Accepted and Prohibited Live Animals

This is a comprehensive list of live animals accepted for transportation. Shippers are prohibited from shipping any animal not listed here, and all other live animals will not be accepted for transportation. The following live animals are accepted for transportation unless poisonous, venomous and/or a Threatened or Endangered Species.

Live Animals that are prohibited from being shipped and are not accepted for transportation include, but are not limited to:

Requirements for the Acceptance of Live Bees

Shipments of package bees within Canada can only be shipped with UPS Standard ® service where the time-in-transit of the shipment from origin to destination postal codes is no greater than one day in transit. Shipments of queen bees, with their attendants, will be accepted for air and ground services where the time in transit between origin and destination postal codes is no greater than one day. You can check times in transit with the UPS Calculate Time and Cost tool.


Illustration of Bee packaging

  • Packaging Requirements for Bees:

Bees that are shipped within the traditional wooden crate with wire mesh must be enclosed in a corrugated sleeve. This sleeve must include a border of a minimum of 5 cm past each edge of the container (see diagram). This is required to prevent safety hazards from protruding wires from the mesh. UPS will also accept ‘Bee Bus’ packaging. Any package other than described herein must be tested in accordance with the Package Testing standards described above. Note: Corrugated sleeve must overlap the edge by at least 5 cm.

  • Live Bee Food Supply Requirements:

The use of liquid food supplies is strictly prohibited (i.e.: sugar water and syrup solution). If a food supply is necessary it must be ‘hard candy’ type substitute (i.e.: candy board or fondant) that will not leak or escape from the package.

List of Prohibited and Restricted Items for Shipping

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