Manage Customer Orders

Do you sell on a variety of online marketplaces? We have free, easy-to-use solutions that can help you manage your storefronts more efficiently.

Consolidate Your Storefronts

We offer two cutting edge solutions that allow you to manage multiple online shops. You can automatically import your orders, ship in a few clicks and provide your customers with automated tracking updates, all from an easy-to-use dashboard.


Business woman working on a laptop

Selling on Amazon or eBay?

Consolidate your Amazon and eBay storefronts with UPS Marketplace Shipping.

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Business woman shipping a parcel

Selling on Shopify?

Manage your Shopify orders (along with other platforms) with UPS eCommerce Shipping Solution.

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What has Changed?

As of 3/29, only Ebay and Amazon listings will be supported by UPS Marketplace Shipping. However, you can manage additional storefronts through UPS eCommerce Shipping Solution, powered by Itembase.

What marketplaces can I manage through my UPS Marketplace Shipping dashboard?
You can manage Amazon and eBay listings through your UPS Marketplace Shipping dashboard.
What marketplaces are no longer available through UPS Marketplace Shipping?
As of 3/29, all marketplace shipping connections between 3D Cart, Allegro, BigCommerce, Etsy, Jet, Magento, Newegg, Overstock, Prestashop, Rakuten, Sears, Shopify, Volusion, Walmart, WooCommerce and Yahoo Shopping have been shut down. You're currently still able to access all your shipping and order history.
What marketplaces can I manage through UPS eCommerce Shipping Solution?
Currently, you can manage your Shopify listings through the UPS eCommerce Shipping Solution, but additional platforms will be added soon.

Woman on the phone using a laptop

Don’t See Your Digital Platform Listed Above?

UPS Ready offers industry-leading e-commerce and technology solutions.

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Have a complicated set-up? Contact our Customer Solutions experts.

Need to Ship Right Now?

You can ship right from to process your marketplace orders.

Create a Shipment

You’re only one click away from creating a shipment. Let’s get down to business.

Ship Now

Or Several Shipments at Once

Batch file shipping is your tool. Create up to 100 shipments in a single file upload.

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Woman looking at mobile device

Add UPS to Your Site

Simplify your customer’s shipping experience by adding free, easy-to-use plug-ins to your website.

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