What Does My Tracking Status Mean?
Each time your parcel is scanned, shipment movement information is captured. Here's a list of what those common statuses you are seeing mean.
Label Created
We've received the shipment details and billing information from the sender of the shipment. Once we have possession of the shipment and have it moving within our network, the status will be updated.
Shipped/On the Way
We've received the shipment, it's moving through our network and it now has a scheduled delivery date. Shipments can stay in this status until they are out for final delivery. Keep in mind, if shipments are travelling long distances, they likely will not be scanned again until they reach their destination hub.
Out for Delivery
The local UPS facility has received the shipment and they've dispatched it to a driver for its final delivery. Unless the sender has elected for a time-definite delivery service, parcels are typically delivered between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. (occasionally later) to residences, and by close of business for a commercial address.
We’ve delivered your shipment to its destination with a recorded delivery timestamp. If the shipment didn’t require a signature, our driver will have left it in a safe and protected place - such as a front porch, side door, back porch or garage area. You can find a photo of the exact delivery location on ups.com/track.
Delivered to a UPS Access Point
A selected UPS Access Point location has received the shipment and it's ready to be collected at the receiver’s convenience.
The shipment is in the UPS network, but there was an unexpected error that may result in a change in the scheduled delivery date. The reason for the exception will be noted in the Shipment Progress section of the Tracking Detail page. When the delivery date changes, the tracking status will show the new date.
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