Save Up to 83%* on Every Shipment
Answer a few quick questions to get shipping discounts and access to free features.
How Many Free Features Would You Like?
We'll help you choose the best option for you.
UPS Account Features
- Username + Shipping Account
- Username Only
- Guest (No Username)
- Save Up to 83%* on Every UPS Shipment
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- Ship Now, Pay Later**
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- Bill Shipments to Third Parties**
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- Ship Using Multiple UPS Platforms
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- Schedule Recurring Pickups
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- Preferred Customer Support
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- Get Customized Tracking Dashboard
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- Get Free Shipping Supplies
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- Pay by Credit Card and PayPal
- Track Packages Globally
Your username is your login that gives you access to your customized tracking dashboard and shipment history. You can access exclusive discounts up to 83% with your username.
You can add a shipping account to your profile by providing a few more details. A shipping account is also free and offers additional benefits like recurring pickups and a consolidated bill.
Opening a shipping account is easy and only takes a few minutes. You’ll need to be logged in to your UPS profile. If you don’t have a username, you can sign up for one before adding a shipping account.
Once you have a username, we’ll ask you a few questions to show you a personalized discount. Then, you’ll provide a few more details to open your shipping account.
You can get started here.
Yes! Creating a shipping account is 100% free. All you need to do is answer a few questions to help us verify your identity.
You can get started here.
No, you don’t need an account to ship with UPS. You can create a one-time shipment and pay each time you ship, no questions asked.
However, with your shipping account you’ll get shipping discounts and a more streamlined shipping process with tools like stored payment methods, address books and online billing.
First, create a free UPS username to get your personalized shipping discount. If you’d like to get a consolidated bill and other benefits, you can opt to open a free UPS shipping account.
You can request a free, 15-minute consultation with a UPS expert here to explore customized solutions for your business.
* Terms and Conditions Apply
** Subject to Eligibility