Click the down arrow in the DDTC ITAR Exemption Number box in the DDTC Information window to determine the DDTC ITAR exemption codes.
Code |
Description |
NOEEI 30.2(d)(1) |
Goods shipped under CBP bond through the US, Puerto Rico, or the US Virgin Islands from one foreign country or area to another where such goods do not enter the consumption channels of the US. |
NOEEI 30.2(d)(2) |
Goods shipped from US territories and goods shipped between the US and these territories do not require EEI filing. |
NOEEI 30.2(d)(4) |
Goods shipped to or from Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba and the US. |
NOEEI 30.36 |
Shipments to Canada and not controlled by BIS, State/ITAR or other license regulations. |
NOEEI 30.37(a) |
Values of commodities classified under an individual Schedule B or HTS is under $2,501 and not controlled by a US government export license/permit or ITAR exemption. |
NOEEI 30.37(c) |
Shipments from one point in the US to another point in the US by routes passingthrough Canada or Mexico. |
NOEEI 30.37(d) |
Shipments from one point in Canada or Mexico passing through the US to another point in same country by routes through the US. |
NOEEI 30.37(f) |
Exports of technology and software as defined in 15 CFR part 772 of the EAR that do not require an export license are exempt from AES filing requirements. |
NOEEI 30.37(g) |
Books, maps, charts, pamphlets, and similar articles shipped by US government offices to US or foreign libraries, government establishments, or similar institutions as provided in 15 CFR 30.40(d) |
NOEEI 30.37(h) |
Shipments, except those that require licensing, as authorized under License Exception GFT for gift parcels and humanitarian donations (see 15 CFR 740.12 of the EAR for details). |
NOEEI 30.37(i) |
Any properly identified/sealed pouch, package, envelope, bag, or other container used to transport official correspondence/documents for use between embassies/consulates and the foreign office of any government. |
NOEEI 30.37(j) |
Human remains and accompanying appropriate receptacles and flowers. |
NOEEI 30.37(k) |
Shipments of interplant correspondence and other company business documents from a US firm to its subsidiary or affiliate. (Excludes highly technical plans, etc. that could be licensed.) |
NOEEI 30.37(l) |
Shipments of pets as baggage, accompanied or unaccompanied, of persons leaving the US, including members of crews on vessels and aircraft. |
NOEEI 30.37(m) |
Carriers' Stores, not shipped under a bill of lading or an air waybill. |
NOEEI 30.37(n) |
Dunnage, not shipped under a bill of lading or an air waybill as defined in 30.37(n). |
NOEEI 30.37(o) |
Shipments of aircraft parts/equipment, for use on aircraft by a US airline to its own installations, aircraft, and agents abroad, under EAR license exception (AVS) for aircraft and vessels (see 15CFR740.15(c)). |
NOEEI 30.37(s) |
Issued bank notes, securities, and coins in circulation exported as evidence of financial claims. |
NOEEI 30.37(t) |
Documents used in international transactions, moving from the US to facilitate international transactions including airline tickets, internal revenue stamps, liquor stamps, and advertising literature. |
NOEEI 30.37(u) |
Exports of technical data and defense service exemptions as cited in 22 CFR 123.22(b)(3)(iii) of the ITAR. |
NOEEI 30.37(v) |
Vessels, aircraft, and other vehicles, trailers, pallets, or similar shipping containers not considered "shipped" in terms of the FTR when they are moving as carriers of goods or as instruments of such carriers. |
NOEEI 30.37(w) |
Shipments via Army Post Office, Diplomatic Post Office, or Fleet Post Office. |
NOEEI 30.37(x) |
Shipments exported under license exception Baggage (BAG) (15 CFR 740.14). |
NOEEI 30.37(y)(1) |
Shipments to a destination in Country Group E1 as in Supp#1 to EAR 740 aren't required to be filed in AES: Books, maps, charts, pamphlets, and similar to foreign libraries, government establishments or similar institutions. |
NOEEI 30.37(y)(2) |
Shipments to a destination in Country Group E1 as in Supp#1 to EAR 740 aren't required to be filed in AES: Shipments to US government agencies/employees per License Exception GOV of the EAR 740.11 valued at <$2500 per Schedule B/HTS. |
NOEEI 30.37(y)(3) |
Shipments to a destination in Country Group E1 as in Supp#1 to EAR 740 aren't required to be filed in AES: Personal effects per EAR 740.14(b)(1) lawfully exported under License Exception BAG of the EAR (15 CFR 740). |
NOEEI 30.37(y)(4) |
Shipments to a destination in Country Group E1 as in Supp#1 to EAR 740 aren't required to be filed in AES: gift parcels and humanitarian donations lawfully exported under License Exception GFT of the EAR (15 CFR 740.12). |
NOEEI 30.37(y)(5) |
Shipments to a destination in Country Group E1 as in Supp#1 to EAR 740 aren't required to be filed in AES: Vessels and aircraft lawfully leaving the US for temporary sojourn to or in a Country Group E1 country. |
NOEEI 30.37(y)(6) |
Shipments to a destination in Country Group E1 as in Supp#1 to EAR 740 aren't required to be filed in AES: Tools of trade lawfully exported by a traveler and returned to the US within 1 year per License Exceptions BAG or TMP. |
NOEEI 30.39 |
Shipments to US Armed Services. Does not apply to USML/ITAR controlled commodities not consigned to the US military but for their usage. |
NOEEI 30.40(a) |
Office furniture, office equipment, and office supplies shipped to and for the exclusive use of US Government employees. |
NOEEI 30.40(b) |
Household goods and personal property shipped to and for the exclusive and personal use of US Government employees. |
NOEEI 30.40(c ) |
Food, medicine, commissary, and related supplies shipped to US Government offices, employees, employee co-ops/associations for the exclusive use of such employees, or other distribution to such employees. |