The Export Information Code defines the type of export. You select the export information code on the Goods grid located on the Customs Documentation tab.
Note: The export information code is used only for shipments that originate in the United States.
Valid codes are as follows:
Export Code |
CH |
Shipment of goods donated for relief or charity provided for in chapters 1 through 97 of Schedule B, Classification of Exports. Specific goods listed below should be reported under the appropriate Chapter 98 numbers as follows:
CR |
Goods moving under a Carnet (international license - not entered). |
DD |
Other exceptions:
DP |
Diplomatic pouches and their contents. (15 CFR Sec. 30.55 (a)) |
FS |
Foreign Military Sales program conducted on the basis of formal contracts or agreements between the US government and an authorized recipient, being shipped on a commercial carrier. |
GP |
Shipments under US government contract for the construction of facilities overseas. |
GS |
Shipments to US government agencies and their employees for their exclusive use (15 CFR Sec. 30.53):
HH |
Personal and household effects and tools of trade, including usual and reasonable kinds of furniture, clothing, instruments, tools, and other effects, provided that the articles are:
HR |
Human remains with accompanying receptacles and flowers. (15 CFR Sec. 30.55 (b)) |
IC |
Interplant correspondence, executed invoices, and other records from a US firm to its subsidiary or affiliate. (15 CFR Sec. 30.55 (i)) |
IP |
Shipments of goods originally imported temporarily free under bond (TIB) exported after being processed or manufactured into a new article in the US. |
IR |
Shipments of goods originally imported temporarily free under bond (TIB) exported after being repaired or altered in the US. (Report value of repairs only under Schedule B No. 801.10.0000.) |
IS |
Shipments of goods originally imported temporarily free under bond (TIB) for return in the same condition as imported:
LC |
Shipments valued $2500 or less per Classification Number (15 CFR Sec. 30.55 (h)):
LV |
Shipments valued at $2500 or less per Classification Number (15 CFR Sec. 30.55 (h)) under any General License destined:
MS |
All commodities consigned to the US armed forces for their exclusive use (15 CFR Sec. 30.52), including those to:
OS |
All other exports. |
RJ |
Inadmissible merchandise. |
SC |
Instruments of international trade, exported without transfer of ownership or title: shipping containers, tanks returned for refilling, paper cores, bobbins, racks, reels, spools, etc. (15 CFR Sec. 30.33) |
SR |
Shipments of domestic and foreign merchandise exported by a US vessel carrier line, shipped to the vessel carrier line’s own overseas warehouse for exclusive use aboard its own carriers. |
TE |
Temporary exportations that are not sold or offered for sale and are at the time of shipment definitely intended to be returned to the US in the same condition as exported:
TL |
Merchandise exported under lease where the leasing period is less than one year. |
TP |
Temporary exportations of domestic merchandise that is to be processed, manufactured, or assembled abroad and returned to the US. |
UG |
Single gift parcels covered by Bureau of Export Administration General License GIFT. (15 CFR Sec. 30.55 (g)) |