Use the following table to determine the UPS Technical Support telephone number for your country or territory.
Country or Territory |
Technical Support |
Afghanistan |
+93-79-3204045 9647814318252 |
Albania |
+355682048904 |
Algeria |
+49 69 66404364 |
Angola |
+49 69 66404364 |
Argentina |
0 800 122 0286 |
Armenia |
10 3741 27 30 90 |
Australia |
1800 148 934 |
Austria |
+43 (0) 1 50 15 96 002 |
Azerbaijan |
99 412 493 39 91 |
Bahamas |
1-888-960-2683 |
Bahrain |
+49 69 66404364 |
Bangladesh |
+49 69 66404364 |
Belarus |
375-17-227-2233 |
Belgium |
+32 (0) 22 56 66 19 |
Bermuda |
1-888-960-2678 |
Bolivia |
800 100 807 |
Bosnia |
033 788 160 |
Brazil |
0800 8923328 |
Burundi |
+49 69 66404364 |
Bulgaria |
0700 1 8877 |
Cameroon |
+49 69 66404364 |
Canada |
1-888-UPS-TECH (1-888-877-8324) |
Cayman Islands |
1-888-960-2686 |
Chile |
800 835 682 |
China, People's Republic of |
400 1083 999 |
Colombia |
01800 752 2293 |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of |
+49 69 66404364 |
Costa Rica |
0800 052 1591 |
Cyprus |
77 77 7200 |
Czech Republic |
+42 0239016468 |
Denmark |
+45 (0) 35 25 65 04 |
Djibouti |
+49 69 66404364 |
Dominican Republic |
1-888-760-0095 |
Ecuador |
1800 000 119 |
Egypt |
+49 69 66404364 |
El Salvador |
800 6191 |
Estonia |
372 666 47 00 |
Ethiopia |
+49 69 66404364 |
Finland |
+358 (0) 923 11 34 07 |
France |
+33 (0) 157324060 |
Germany |
+49 (0) 69 66 30 80 37 |
Ghana |
+49 69 66404364 |
Gibraltar |
+350 200 42332 |
Greece |
210-99 84 334 |
Guatemala |
1800 835 0384 |
Honduras |
800-0123 |
Hong Kong |
8206 2133 |
Hungary |
+36 (0) 17774820 |
India |
+91-22-2827-6111 / 00 0800 852 1113 (Toll Free) |
Indonesia |
001 803 852 3670 |
Ireland, Republic of |
+353 (0) 15245447 |
Israel |
00-972-(0) 35-770112 |
Italy |
+39 0248270032 |
Ivory Coast |
+49 69 66404364 |
Japan |
00531 85 0020 |
Jordan |
+49 69 66404364 |
Kazakhstan |
+49 69 66404364 |
Kenya |
+49 69 66404364 |
Korea, South |
00798 8521 3669 |
Kosovo |
+381 38 24 22 22 |
Kuwait |
+49 69 66404364 |
Kyrgyzstan |
+996 312 699 988 |
Latvia |
7805643 |
Lebanon |
+49 69 66404364 |
Lithuania |
370-37-350505 |
Luxembourg |
FR: 00 33 8050 10365 |
Malawi |
+49 69 66404364 |
Malaysia |
1800 80 4709 |
Mali |
+223 2029 91 52 |
Malta |
+49 69 66404364 |
Mauritania |
+222 4529 28 89 |
Mauritius |
+49 69 66404364 |
Mexico |
01 800 714 65 35 |
Moldova |
+373-22-403901 |
Monaco |
00 33 8050 10365 |
Morocco |
+49 69 66404364 |
Mozambique |
+49 69 66404364 |
Netherlands |
+31 (0) 20 50 40 602 |
New Zealand |
0800 443 785 |
Nicaragua |
001800 226 0452 |
Nigeria |
+49 69 66404364 |
Northern Ireland |
+44 (0) 2079490192 |
Norway |
+47 (0) 22 5777 34 |
Oman |
+49 69 66404364 |
Pakistan |
+49 69 66404364 |
Panama |
00800 052 1414 |
Paraguay |
009800 521 0051 |
Peru |
0800 009 19 |
Philippines |
1800 1855 0023 |
Poland |
+48 (0) 222030321 |
Portugal |
+351 (0) 21 9407061 |
Puerto Rico |
1-888-UPS-TECH (1-888-877-8324) |
Qatar |
+49 69 66404364 |
Romania |
40 21 233 88 77 |
Russia |
7 49 5961 2211 |
Rwanda |
+49 69 66404364 |
Saudi Arabia |
+49 69 66404364 |
Scotland |
+44 (0) 2079490192 |
Senegal |
221 33 8646042 |
Serbia |
+381 11 2286 422 |
Singapore |
800 852 3362 |
Slovakia |
+421 2 16 877 |
Slovenia |
38642811224 |
South Africa |
+49 69 66404364 |
Spain |
+34 (0) 917459877 |
Sri Lanka |
+49 69 66404364 |
Sweden |
+46 (0) 85 79 29 041 |
Switzerland |
+41 (0) 442115700 |
Taiwan |
00801 855 662 |
Tanzania |
+49 69 66404364 |
Thailand |
001 800 852 3658 |
Tunisia |
+49 69 66404364 |
Turkey |
0090-212-413 2222 |
United Arab Emirates |
+97143815200 |
United Kingdom |
+44 (0) 2079490192 |
United States |
888-553-1118 |
Uruguay |
000 405 296 651 |
US Virgin Islands |
1888 877 8324 |
Uzbekistan |
+998 (71) 1203838 |
Venezuela |
0800 100 5772 |
Wales |
+44 (0) 2079490192 |
Zambia |
+49 69 66404364 |
Zimbabwe |
+49 69 66404364 |