A shipper’s IOSS Number, VOEC Number, or PVA Number are referred to by UPS as a Vendor Collect ID or (VCID). VCIDs are new types of VAT registration numbers that are used for verified point-of-sale VAT charges collected for lower-value goods to customers in certain countries. VCIDs can speed up customs clearance and prevent unnecessary import fees.
Note: There is no longer a minimum value threshold for VAT charge on goods sold; all sales are subject to tax, regardless of value.
The following VCID types are applicable when shipping to the following destinations:
IOSS (Import One Stop Shop) Number is used when shipping to EU destinations
PVA (Postponed VAT Accounting) Number is used when shipping to the United Kingdom or Northern Ireland
VOEC (VAT On E-Commerce) Number is used when shipping to Norway
There are two fields on the Ship To tab:
Vendor Collect ID (VCID) edit field
Vendor Collect ID Number Exempt checkbox
Note: The Exempt checkbox can be selected if the shipment does not require a Vendor Collect ID.
The names of both fields will dynamically change depending on the type of VCID number that is valid for the destination country that was selected.
IOSS, VOEC, and PVA values must be entered in the following formats to be valid for a shipment to the specified destination countries:
IOSS (Import One Stop Shop) Number Format: "IMxxxyyyyyyz"
Positions 1-2 are "IM"
Positions 3-5 are alpha/numeric characters
Positions 6-12 are numeric digits
PVA (Postponed VAT Accounting) Number Format: "GBxxxxxxxxxxxx" or "XIxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Positions 1-2 are "GB" or “XI”
Positions 3-14 are numeric digits
VOEC (VAT On E-Commerce) Number Format: "VOECxxxxxxx"
Positions 1-4 are "VOEC"
Positions 5-11 are numeric digits
When processing a shipment and depending on the details, WorldShip may display the VCID interview questions to determine if the shipment requires a VCID. The interview will either return to the Shipping Tab for a VCID or continue with processing the shipment.
For import/export data field information see: Shipment Data Field Descriptions.
For international shipping help and advice information see: International Shipping Help and Advice.
For a text based search of help articles, see WorldShip® Support.