When you type the address of the person or company to receive your shipment, the City-State-Zip Validator checks that the city or town, state/province/county, and postal code are a valid combination. See Address Guidelines.
Here is how validation works:
Type the information on the Ship To tab in the Shipping window.
Tip: After you type a code in the Postal Code box and press the Tab key, the City-State-Zip Validator displays the closest city or town and state. You can change the entries in the City or Town and State/Province/County boxes.
Click the Process Shipment button.
If the combination is valid, the shipment is processed, and you can repeat step 1 for the next shipment.
If the combination is not valid, the Validate Your Ship To Address window appears, and you can continue with step 3.
Scroll through the list of valid city or town, state/province/county, and postal code combinations and select the combination you want. If you select a combination that includes a range of postal codes, type a postal code from the range in the Select Postal Code box.
Click one of the following buttons:
If you pick a valid combination or type a valid code in the Select Postal Code box, click the Choose button. UPS WorldShip displays your selection in the Postal Code, City or Town, and State/Province/County boxes on the Ship To tab.
If you want to ignore the suggested address alternatives and retain the Postal Code, City or Town, and State/Province/County combination, click the Ignore button. WorldShip displays the message: "Ignoring Address Validation may lead to an address correction surcharge. Do you want to process this shipment anyway?"
Click the Yes button to process the shipment or the No button to return to the Ship To tab and retype the address.
If you want to close this window without selecting an address alternative and retype the address on the Ship To tab, click the Cancel button. WorldShip displays all your original entries on the Ship To tab.
The City-State-Zip Validator does not validate the street portion of your address. It validates only the city or town, state/province/county, and postal code combination.
If you cannot find your address in the address validation list, check that you have filled in all three fields. If you have filled in all three fields, confirm the address with your customer. UPS charges a fee to correct incorrect addresses after the driver picks up a shipment.
As you process shipments, the City-State-Zip Validator uses only the first five digits of a postal code to validate an address.
Tip: Some locations also validate ZIP+4. See Validate ZIP+4 Codes.
If you are not sure of the correct postal code for your address, try leaving the Postal Code box blank. The City-State-Zip Validator may not display valid alternatives for the city or town, state/province/county, and postal code combination if you type an incorrect postal code.
If you want the City-State-Zip Validator to suggest city or town names, enter a postal code and a state/province/county, but leave the City or Town box blank. Then you can choose an appropriate city or town name from the City-State-Zip Validator's suggestions.