Use the Miscellaneous tab in the System Preferences Editor window to set numerous miscellaneous system preferences.
To set up your miscellaneous system preferences:
On the Tools tab, select System Preferences and then Miscellaneous. The Miscellaneous tab in the System Preferences Editor window appears.
Select the Print UPS Driver Transmission Control check box to print UPS Driver Transmission Control during End of Day.
Under Classify Ship
to Address, select the Classify Ship To Address as Residential or
Commercial check box to automatically classify Ship To addresses when
address validation is done. Clear this check box if you do not want
to automatically classify Ship To addresses when address validation
is done.
Tip: This check box appears only if it is enabled by UPS.
Under Automatic Validation during Shipment Processing, select the Validate Third Party/Receiver Account check box to automatically validate Third Party/Receiver Account information during shipment processing. Clear this check box if you do not want to automatically validate Third Party/Receiver account information during shipment processing.
Under WorldShip Automatic Download, select the Automatically download the latest release of WorldShip check box so that WorldShip upgrades are downloaded to your PC automatically. Once downloaded, you can install the upgrade now or later.
Select the Auto Upgrade Feature check box to enable the WorldShip automatic upgrade.
Under WorldShip Upgrade Now Notification Message, selectEnd of Day or Startup for when WorldShip should notify you of a pending upgrade.
Install WorldShip Updates, set the time for WorldShip to apply updates.
Note: The set time is applicable only if
WorldShip is running. If WorldShip has received an update and is closed,
the update will be applied at next WorldShip startup. WorldShip will
allow two deferrals before the update is applied.
Under UPS Smart Pickup:
Note: These options appear only if at least one shipper has
a contract for UPS Smart Pickup.
Click the down arrow in the Pickup Request Options box and select an option. Your choices are Automatically Schedule a UPS Smart Pickup and Prompt User Prior to Scheduling UPS Smart Pickup. For more information on these choices, see Set Up and Use UPS Smart Pickup.
Click the
down arrow in the Purge UPS Smart Pickup Record(s)
box and select the number of days for which you want to retain each
Pickup Request Number (PRN) record. Your choices are
7 Days, 30 Days, 90 Days, and None.
WorldShip purges all qualifying PRNs at start up and does not display a confirmation message.
If you select None, all PRNs are retained indefinitely.
Select the Schedule a UPS Smart Pickup for Accounts That Do Not Receive a Pickup By Selecting an Account Below check box to automatically schedule a UPS Smart Pickup for the selected shipper during WorldShip start up, End of Day, and calendar date change.
Click the down arrow and select a shipper without a pickup plan for which to schedule a UPS Smart Pickup.
Do one of the following:
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made on any System Preferences tab and keep the System Preferences Editor window option.
Click the OK button to accept the changes made on any System Preferences tab and close the System Preferences Editor window.
Click the Cancel button to remove changes made on any System Preferences tab and close the System Preferences Editor window.