We’ve got a global network and smart technology to help you reach new markets around the world.
Ship NowEvery country has different shipping regulations. Be prepared and research any country-specific shipping restrictions before you ship.
Double check your address. Some countries use unique formats for addresses or postcodes.
Providing a specific description helps reduce customs delays. Know the product's intended use (sale, resale or manufacture), know what the product is made of, where it was made and its value.
Not every international shipment will get charged customs fees. Taxes, duties and brokerage fees are customarily paid by the receiver (although you can choose to pay them). We can estimate your duties and taxes, but final costs are determined at the point of entry.
The shipping app prompts you to fill out all necessary forms for you. For reference, you can find the forms on our forms page.
Check out our international tools and resources page with details about shipping overseas.