The UPS Billing Centre

Businessman standing at a desk, with a laptop open paying bills.

The UPS Billing Centre allows you to view invoices, manage payment methods and pay bills.

View and Pay Bills

Pay your bill without logging in. Pay now.
Open a shipping account and auto-enrol in the Billing Centre.

What is the UPS Billing Centre?

  • Your One-Stop Shop
    See invoice due dates and past-due bills, administrative tasks, and relevant alerts on one dashboard.
  • Payments are a Snap
    Pay an invoice without even logging in. Set up an automatic payment schedule, and add or remove payment types from your Billing Centre wallet.
  • Your Invoices, Your Way
    A searchable, sortable table view of all your bills lets you find exactly what you're looking for.

Need to pay a bill with a 10-digit account number?

That’s a temporary account, and unfortunately, you can’t pay your bill online. Please call the number on your invoice.


Woman sitting in a chair smiles while looking at the computer and a paper bill.

Go Paperless

If you have a shipping account that is six, eight, or nine digits long, enrol in the UPS Invoicing Centre and save a tree.

Log In

Sign Up

If you have a 10-digit account number, please call the number on your invoice to pay your bill. You won’t be able to enrol in the Billing Centre.

More Billing Tools

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) View Bill

Incorporate billing information into your existing EDI infrastructure.


View Bill

This legacy tool allows you to view, download and print billing invoices or UPS Billing Data files.

Go To View Bill

Billing Data Dictionary

Access sample files, data dictionary, header row, charge code descriptions, and XML schema.

Download Now


Man leans against desk while talking on a mobile phone and holds a tablet

Control Inbound Charges Invoiced to Your Account

Manage shipping charges invoiced to your UPS account by others. Use the Manage Inbound Charges tool to set preferences and create a list of approved or denied shippers.

Manage Inbound Charges

Invoicing Resources

Information to help you avoid costly mistakes and understand your invoicing statement.

Female small business owner looking at invoice

Learn How to Avoid Invoicing Corrections

Fill out your forms accurately to avoid corrections after delivery.

Get Tips

Male small business owner reviewing invoice

Understand Your Invoice

We created a simple guide to help you understand your invoice.

Download the Guide

Need Help?


Billing Support

M - F, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

+34 91 745 64 00

When calling, please select option 5 for Invoicing Support or you may send an email to

For Import enquiries, please select option 6 when calling.

Technical Support

+34 91 745 98 77

Payments and Invoices FAQ

How can I quickly and easily pay my balance?

To make a one-time payment, simply select Pay from your dashboard or from your account or plan invoice view.
To schedule recurring automatic payments, select My Automatic Payments from the side navigation. You can create a regular payment schedule, assign a payment method, and set a maximum payment amount.
You can even make a payment without logging in by selecting Pay Now call-to-action towards the top of this page. Simply enter details from your invoice, as well as your payment information, and complete your payment in just a few steps.
We currently accept a variety of payment types, including credit cards, debit cards, and bank direct debit, as well as payments from an online payment service. Note: Accepted payment types vary by country.

Visit My Dashboard

How do I find and view an invoice?
Once you've logged into the UPS Billing Centre, select either My Account Invoices or My Plan Invoices. All your details are organised in a table view, with sortable column headers, search functionality, and filtering capabilities to find what you’re looking for. Use the Search, Filter, and Calendar functions to narrow down your search. Click the column headers to sort by column as well. To print or download, select the option from the Actions menu in the right-hand column.
I need to pay my bill, but my payment card is expired. How do I update the expiration date?

If you pay your bills using your digital wallet in the Billing Centre, you can easily update the expiration date on any payment card by selecting Edit below your expired card while you’re in the grid view of your wallet. Alternatively, if you’re viewing your wallet in a list, find the card you want to update and select Edit under the Actions column.

If you’re not using the Billing Centre and are looking to update a payment card you have associated to your shipping account, you can find your card details within the accounts and payment options section of your profile. There you can choose the payment method to update by selecting Edit under the Actions column.

Update Payment Methods in Your Profile

How do I get a paper copy of an invoice?

UPS prides itself as an environmentally conscious organisation, and we are taking steps to reduce the amount of paper we produce on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. This includes making all of your billing information, including invoices, available online.

If you need a paper copy of your invoice, the quickest and easiest way is to download and print one. From the My Plan Invoices or My Account Invoices screens, use the check boxes to choose your invoices, select Download Selected, then choose your preferred format and download. Once you’ve downloaded your invoices, you can print them for your records.

Why should I subscribe to receive my invoices in XML format?

XML is a common tool used to store, transport, and share data in a plain text format. If you need to import invoice data into your internal applications so you can easily manipulate and restructure the data for a specific use, then you can benefit from subscribing to XML.

To subscribe, go to your My Accounts or My Plans page under Administration. For each account that you want to receive XML invoices, select Edit XML Enrolment under the Actions menu and follow the prompts to subscribe.

Once you’ve subscribed, you can download the XML from your My Account Invoices or My Plan Invoices page.

Why can’t I pay my bill in the Billing Centre?

If you have:

  1. A 10-digit temporary account number
  2. A Trade Direct invoice

You won’t be able to pay your bill in the Billing Centre. Please call the number on your invoice to pay the bill over the phone.

I don’t understand a charge on my bill. What do I do?
The most efficient way to dispute a charge is through the Billing Centre. If you have a paper bill or a 10-digit account number, call the billing support number on your bill.
I need a receipt, but I’m not enrolled in the Billing Centre.
If you have a username, log in and go to your shipping history. If you don’t have a username, call +34 91 745 64 00.
I received a collections call. Is this legitimate?
You can either log into the Billing Centre and look for past due charges, or call +34 91 745 64 00.
How do I dispute a charge?
The most efficient way to dispute charges is by logging into the Billing Centre and selecting “Help and Support Centre” for detailed instructions. If you have a paper bill or a 10-digit account number, call the phone number on your invoice. If you don’t have an invoice, call +34 91 745 64 00.

Company Administration FAQs

What do I need in order to enrol in the UPS Billing Centre?

If you already receive invoices from us but are not yet enrolled in the UPS Billing Centre, you will need to have an invoice from the last 45 days. As part of enrolment, you will be asked to enter several pieces of information found on the invoice, including:

  • Account Number
  • Invoice Number
  • Amount Due
  • Invoice Date


Make sure to enter each value exactly as shown on the invoice. Once you’ve done so, you will be enrolled and have access to the Billing Centre.
If you do not currently receive invoices from UPS, you will first need to create a user ID and open a payment account. If you already have an ID, you can go directly to the open a payment account step.

Enrol Now
Get a Username
Add a Payment Method

As an administrator, how do I add new accounts and users?

From the My Accounts page under Administration, you can select Add Account to start the process. Make sure you have an invoice for the account you wish to add from the previous 45 days.
You can add and remove users from the Manage Users page under Administration. Both new and existing users can be assigned one of four roles:

  • View Only: This user can view and download invoices for their assigned accounts and update billing communications preferences.
  • View, Pay, and Dispute: This user can add payment information to their wallet, pay invoices, and dispute charges.
  • Manager: This user acts as an administrator for specific accounts or plans, including assigning new users, adding payment information, paying invoices, and disputing charges.
  • Administrator: The Billing Centre supports multiple administrators, each of whom have full control over accounts and users.


Note: Before you start to add a new user, make sure you have his or her user ID and email address. You will need to choose which accounts and/or plans to assign to the user.

Our administrator has left the company. How do I continue to access and use the UPS Billing Centre?

The best way to ensure continued service within the UPS Billing Centre is to proactively work with the administrator to assign a backup or secondary administrator. The Billing Centre supports multiple administrators, so we strongly encourage you to assign administrator rights to more than one user.

Sometimes, however, an administrator will leave the company unexpectedly. Before contacting your account representative or UPS customer service for assistance, make sure you have the previous administrator’s user ID and email address, as well as the user ID and email address of the individual who will become an administrator. This information will greatly assist us in transferring or assigning the administrator account privileges to a new user.
