Hazardous Materials Shipping Papers (49 CFR)

Shipping Papers (49 CFR)

UPS requires this document to be computer generated.


Hazardous material shipping papers

  • UPS Shipping Papers
    When using 49 CFR, whether you’re shipping by ground or by air, shipping papers must accompany each hazardous materials package, unless the regulations allow the shipment to be tendered without shipping papers (e.g., Ground service level shipments prepared under Limited Quantity provisions). Use the UPS multipart shipping paper for both modes of transport.

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The Following Information Must Appear as Indicated (Referenced to 49 CFR):

1. The shipper’s UPS account number (six alpha-numeric characters).

2. The 24-hour emergency telephone number in conjunction with the ER Registrant information (when required) - §172.604.


To conform to DOT standards, the “Emergency Contact Number” field on a shipping paper is limited to the numeric telephone number, including any applicable country code or international access codes. The only alphabetical characters allowed in this field are “EXT” when an extension must be included, or “OPT” when a caller must select an option number. Additional non-alphabetical characters that may be included are: period (.), dash (-), plus sign (+) and conventional parentheses. All other information relevant to the emergency telephone number must be presented in the “ER Registrant” field.

3. The consignee’s name, city and state; or the package tracking number; or a reference number that refers back to the consignee. This field may be handwritten.

4. When preparing an air shipment, delete the mode that is not applicable. For example: "X" through the "Cargo Aircraft Only" box to confirm the package conforms to the passenger aircraft provision in 49 CFR. If shipping a cargo aircraft only quantity, then "X" through the "Passenger Aircraft" box. When preparing a ground shipment, "X" through both "Cargo Aircraft Only" and "Passenger Aircraft." This must be done mechanically by the computer.

5. The basic description including the following information in sequence separated by commas, semicolons or multiple spaces:

6. Sign and date the shipping paper. This field can be handwritten or computer generated. – §172.204


The shipper is responsible for ensuring that all copies of the UPS shipping paper are clear and legible.

An individual UPS Shipping Paper is required on each hazardous materials package. If more than one hazardous material is in a package, one shipping paper must be used listing all materials. UPS allows a maximum of three compatible hazardous materials in one package.

If you have any questions about shipping hazardous materials with UPS, please call the UPS Hazardous Materials Support Center at 1-800-554-9964