Shipping Tobacco

Shipments containing Tobacco Products ("Tobacco Product Shipments") are accepted for transportation only from Shippers who are licensed and authorized to ship Tobacco Products pursuant to applicable laws. Note that UPS no longer accepts any vaping product for domestic U.S. shipment.

Shipping Tobacco

To make Tobacco Product Shipments, the Shipper must sign, agree to, and comply with the provisions set forth in an approved UPS agreement for the transportation of Tobacco Products. Shippers and receivers must comply with all applicable federal, state, provincial, or local laws or regulations, and all Tobacco Product Shipments must conform to the terms, conditions, restrictions, and prohibitions set forth on this page at the time of shipping. It is the responsibility of the Shipper to ensure that a Shipment tendered to UPS, including a Tobacco Product Shipment, does not violate any federal, state, provincial, or local laws or regulations applicable to the Shipment.

The UPS agreement for transportation of Tobacco Products incorporates Addendum A, which contains additional terms and requires Shippers to make an annual certification of compliance to UPS. Addendum A may be amended from time-to-time. The current version is posted below. The version of Addendum A in effect at the time of shipping will apply to the shipment.

View Addendum A

UPS reserves the right to refuse to accept, transport, or deliver any Tobacco Product Shipment that UPS, in its sole and unlimited discretion, determines does not comply with UPS requirements for the shipment or any applicable law or regulation, and to discontinue any or all service to any Shipper for, among other reasons, tendering such a Shipment. UPS reserves the right to dispose of any Tobacco Product Shipment that Shippers are prohibited from shipping, that UPS is not authorized to accept, that UPS states that it will not accept, or that UPS has a right to refuse.

While Shippers are responsible for reviewing all federal, state, provincial, or local laws or regulations applicable to a Shipment to determine the legality of the shipment, general restrictions applicable in all states (whether by law or by UPS policy) include:

Vaping Products

Vaping Products are considered Tobacco Products for the purpose of this policy. UPS no longer accepts for U.S. domestic shipment, including import and export into or from the U.S., any Vaping Product, including but not limited to e-cigarette devices and e-liquids or gels, regardless of nicotine content, even if a Shipper or consignee is permitted to ship and receive Vaping Products under applicable laws or regulations.


For purposes of UPS’s policy on shipment of Tobacco Products, the following definitions apply:


Little Cigar

Tobacco Products

Vaping Product

List of Prohibited and Restricted Items for Shipping

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