Restore Shipment Data Archive

If you have previously archived shipment data, you can restore it back into your database.

To restore archived shipment information to your database:

  1. On the Home tab in the Shipment History window, select Archive/Restore and then Restore Shipments.

  2. In the Restore Shipments window click Browse to select the file name, or type the path and file name in the text entry box. For example, C:\ProgramData\UPS\WSTD\ARCHIVE\20150711.bak (which is in the format YYYYMMDD) points to the archive file saved on 07/11/2015.

  3. Click Open.

  4. In the Restore Shipments window, verify the path and file name and click OK. WorldShip performs an automatic database check and backup.

  5. When the progress bar reaches 100%, click Done.

  6. Verify the data has been restored to History.

See also:

Archive Shipment Data

Data Management